Mr. Browning is the Chairman and Managing Director and Mr. Simpson is a non - executive Director.
企业管理英语口语(第二版)(1)It takes an extraordinary balancing act to be an effective non - executive director.
要想当一名得力的 非 执行董事,需要有非凡的平衡能力.
互联网Su - hong, deputy director of Hematology, deputy chief physician, Master, provincial executive director of experimental hematology.
苏国宏血液内科副主任, 副主任医师, 硕士, 省实验血液学会常务理事.
互联网Rebecca Martin is executive director of the Expeditions Council.
互联网Mr. LIU Aili age 44, is a Non - Executive Director of our Company.
刘爱力先生,44岁, 本公司 非 执行董事.
互联网Hu Jianong , Anhui. Born in 1963. Executive director of Chaohu Artists Association.
胡稼农·安徽人, 1963年生. 现为巢湖市美术家协会常务理事.
互联网At the same time for the Executive Director of Admissions and training.
互联网I am also a non - executive director of a company that is faring still worse.
我还是另一家公司的 非 执行董事,那家公司情况更糟.
互联网Michael Adlerstein is the executive director of that project.
互联网The writer is executive director of the Asia - Europe Foundation in Singapore.
互联网Mario Damato, our Executive Director was giving us a welcome speech.
互联网Yang was an Executive Director and head of Pfizer Global R & D's Strategic Management Group.
在此之前,杨博士曾担任辉瑞全球 研发 策略管理集团主管以及执行总监.
互联网Jerry Gulley, the executive director , says his outfit's line of credit could be exhausted soon.
互联网Claire Sylvan is the executive director of the group.
互联网The group hears about thousands of such cases every year, says executive director Walter Rutkowski.
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